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On December 5th 2015, government officials, staff and supporters gathered to celebrate the completion of 232 Arch Street in New Britain, CT. U.S Senator Chris Murphy, Mayor Erin Stewart, Veterans Inc. Executive Director Denis Leary and others joined in cutting a red ribbon across the restored brick entry arch. With 14 studio and 3 one bedroom apartments, the project marks an important milestone in the mission of nonprofit owner Veterans Inc., as well as the State's commitment to end homelessness.

It took a large and very dedicated team to complete this challenging project, located in New Britain's downtown historic district. The City transferred ownership of the four-story c. 1916 apartment building--abandoned for 20 years, leaking and missing all windows--to Veterans Inc., the largest provider of services to vets and their families in New England. The City also made available a community development grant to assist with rehabilitation, and the Connecticut State Department of Housing awarded a $550,000 loan. Home Depot was a leading donor, providing materials, expertise and volunteers who spent a day painting the apartments.

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Brenda Heller and Jennifer Allen of Veterans Inc. managed all the moving parts while sourcing donations and funding. Rob Philp and Eric Sorelle of Rubicon Builders coordinated subcontractors and volunteers, incorporating veterans with on-the-job training. Planning and code officials at the City and State levels, including the Connecticut Historical Commission offered expertise and timely approvals,

Scattergood Design began planning renovations in the fall of 2013, with the expert assistance of structural engineers Jim Norden and Amy Jagaczeweski of GNBC and code consultant Norton Remmer. SD’s concept arranged the new units around an existing, four-story skylit stair and reinterpreted the historic storefronts for offices and a residents’ lounge. The goal was to realize cost-effective solutions by honoring the building’s original character--accomplished at a cost of about $150 per square foot.

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