Modernist and Preservationist: The Restoration and Conservation of Georgia O'Keeffe's Home and Studio

Kitchen door, Georgia O’Keeffe Home and Studio

Georgia O’Keeffe’s desire for a “modern” house in Abiquiú was balanced by the appreciation brought to the 19th-century adobe ruins by Maria Chabot, the friend who managed restoration of the site from 1946-1948. Their correspondence, as well as a close examination of construction photographs, reveals how Chabot drew on a remarkable cadre of Santa Fe women in the 1930s, as well as the latest post-World War II building technology.

In June, Pamela was joined online by almost 600 registered participants from around the world for the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum’s free monthly lecture series, “Mornings with O’Keeffe.”  It was a pleasure to discuss how both modernism and preservation attitudes shaped the appearance of the site during O’Keeffe’s lifetime.  The presentation highlighted current challenges to the site’s long-term conservation, and strategies developed in collaboration with Michael C. Henry, Anthony Crosby, Dave Woodham of Atkinson-Noland Associates and Dorothy Krotzer and Preston Hull of Building Conservation Associates. 

To listen in, go to

Pamela Hawkes